Ryan Oglesby

YAGNI a'int a Design Principle

February 12, 2016

You Ain’t Gonna Need It is an XP practice that encourages developers to focus on the requirements at hand right now. It warns against the tendency to over-engineer by developing features based on what you think you will need later. Easy in theory. Hard in practice.

YAGNI Blinders

I’ve noticed that developers, especially those just starting out, tend to apply YAGNI narrow-sightedly. I often see it being strictly adhered to at face-value only, by developers always choosing to do what seems to be the most obvious and straightforward thing at the time, without putting any thought into the design implications of their choices. When suggesting other options that seem to be less simple on the surface, they YAGNI argument gets used. “Oh, that’s YAGNI.”

YAGNI encourages simplicity. But many developers read simple as easy, which can lead to design problems with their code that easily have been avoided. An easy solution doesn’t require any thought or skill. A simple solution involves elegance, is purposeful, and is built with extensibility and evolvability in mind. (Rich Hickey, the creator of Clojure, gave a wonderful talk along these same lines in 2011. Simple Made Easy)

As an example of YAGNI Blinders, take internationalization (i18n) of a web-app. Usually, the first requirement is to support only a single language, with support for other languages pretty far down the line. A classic YAGNI solution here: hard coding everything in the HTML files. Done. (I’ll come back to this soon….)

See the Light!

The YAGNI argument breaks down because it does not take critical design characteristics such as readability, flexibility, and loose coupling into account. A purely YAGNI-based solution does not necessarily imply those things. By sticking to a YAGNI-only solution, you make it harder to quickly move forward later, because extensive refactoring or rewriting would be needed first. By considering simplicity along with many other design principles, you will end up with better factored code.

The most obvious choice is not always the right one. YAGNI does not mean to plow headfirst into the first solution you think of. Good design trumps. But figuring out how to satisfy the requirements at hand, while building a simple, flexible solution without gold-plating, over-engineering, or solving for unknown future requirements is hard! Good. Glad our job isn’t boring. :)

Back to i18n, instead of hard coding all the strings in the HTML, we can introduce a simple lookup mechanism. We store all our strings in a JSON file, and create a simple module that loads that file into a map structure, so that strings can be looked up by a key.

Yes, this is not the absolute easiest solution. However, it is simple, and a better design. We have better separation of concerns. We have pushed configuration (the strings) out of code, allowing them to change independently as they may change at a different rate than the application code. We could extend the lookup mechanism without changing the strings or keys. Event If we never get a requirement to add another language, this is still a better design, and we did not have to build a complex architecture involving locales, multiple languages, unicode character support, or any of the other myriad of problems that come with i18n. Not easy, but simple.

You always need good design. If you find yourself with a pair of YAGNI blinders on, ignoring design and code quality for purely YAGNI arguments, take a step back and remember that YAGNI ain’t a design principle.

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